Honey for Skin Care
Honey is part and partial for any home, its very important for daily life, Honey also prevent form bacteria from your skin, and best for human. Even when anyone burn honey is the best cure for burning and doctor also recommended for all.Honey for Skin Care, Honey for Beauty Tips
Almost all countries of the world honey is used for skin acre most of the beautician suggested their clients for skin care especially for dry skin even they prefer to used a s oral as well because its very important for not only for skin care but even for entire body of all human being
For Skin care most of the beautician used honey for Skin Care, there are many benefits of honey skin care benefits, we provide you how to use honey for skin care, and honey for acne, there are many honey for skin care recipes
how to apply honey for skin care, and how to honey for skin glow and its uses of honey for beauty and hags honey skin care in Urdu and English at Urdu Totkay.com
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Is Honey Benefits For Moles On Face?
Kitni Dair Shehad Lagane Se Mere Till Saaf Hojayen Ge?
دن کے وقت شہد لگائیں آپ کا چہرہ صاف ہو جائے گا۔
Yes: Honey is best for removing Moles on Face, Use at Day time for about 2 hours, Honey din ma till per 2 gontay tak laga rahny
Baghat ka qudrati honey
bara shhed ; 500/- par kg
bairi ka bara shehed; 1300/- par kg
choti makhi bairi wala; 2200/-
choti makhi irani with chatta; 800/ par kg
akhri qatray tak guarantee
contect; 03151444332 tipu
avilbl only in sargodha,rawalpindi,peshawar and islamabad
Peshawar ki ‘TARBAB FARM’ ka original honey.
03459407015 Daud Khan.
Honey is the best natural and herbal anti allergic antioxidant, most of the herbal and hemeo medicine are used it, just find natural mean not form or other local brands coz they are use less.. Just find natural from direct from the trees which is 100 percent natural and work for all types of diseases.