Beauty Tips for Facial

Facial Tips in Urdu, Urdu Tokay for Facial: Facial is commonly used both men and women in sub-continent, Lets start homemade facial mask for you. facial tips in urduMost of the women know that with the passage of time your skin may damage and wrinkle appears on your face. To control the affects on your skin you must use facial.
Firstly wash your face before facial, with any face wash or rose water, secondly boil water and use steam for you face to clean your face, use One liter water, boil it with open pot and take long breath , its easy to use scrub, just make mixture of sugar with olive oil and paste it on your face gently.
Thirdly use mask with face cream and with few drops of lavender oil and mix it and paste on your face. if your skin is oily then use egg white and paste on your face and wait upto 15 minutes. Then use toner after mask, its very easy just use few drop of lemon with water and wash you face. Repeat facial only once in a month will maintain your face beauty and safe your skin.

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facial urdu tips

Beauty Tips for facial, Urdu Totkay for Facial, Beauty Tips for facial in Urdu, Urdu Totkay for Facial in Urdu,

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